
Unlocking the Future of Change Management with GenAI: Elevating the Process Beyond Ticket Deflection

By Pat Calhoun, Chief Executive Officer
October 3, 2024

In the fast-paced world of IT, change is inevitable. Whether it’s implementing new software, upgrading hardware, or adjusting internal processes, the change management process plays a critical role in ensuring that these transitions happen smoothly and with minimal risk. But let’s face it—change management can be tedious. From submitting change requests to ensuring they’re properly evaluated and approved, the process often feels like a bottleneck in the fast-moving digital age.


At Espressive, we've been known for revolutionizing how organizations handle ticket deflection, and empowering service desk agents with insights and automations, but we’re not stopping there. We’re now expanding our capabilities beyond traditional use cases, and one of the most pressing challenges we’re tackling is change management. Leveraging the power of our GenAI employee co-pilot, Espressive Barista, we’re bringing a new level of intelligence to this critical area, helping organizations not just with ticket deflection, but with building high-quality change requests and streamlining the approval process.


The Problem: Change Management as a Sticking Point


For many organizations, the change management process is plagued with inefficiencies. Submitting a change request requires painstaking attention to detail, adherence to best practices, and time-consuming approvals. But even with all these steps, the quality of change requests is often inconsistent. A lack of insights from past changes and minimal contextual information leaves reviewers and approvers with the difficult task of making high-stakes decisions based on incomplete data. The outcome? Delays, errors, and often a reluctance to approve changes that could benefit the organization.


Barista: Your Co-Pilot in Building High-Quality Change Requests


Enter Barista — our GenAI-based employee co-pilot and a game-changer in automating and enhancing the change management process. Barista isn’t just about ticket deflection anymore. We’re using it to build smarter, more complete change requests that rely on historical data, best practices, and contextual insights. Instead of manually crafting each request, Barista pulls from a repository of successful changes, instantly applying lessons learned from past approvals and denials.


With this level of insight, employees no longer have to guess what makes a "good" change request. Instead, they can rely on Barista to structure their request based on best practices, ensuring that nothing important is overlooked. It also means faster submission times and fewer revisions, giving IT teams more bandwidth to focus on executing changes, rather than managing paperwork.


Intelligent Insights for Reviewers and Approvers


Submitting a change request is only one part of the puzzle.The real bottleneck often comes when reviewers and approvers lack the necessary insights to make informed decisions. Should this change be implemented? What are the risks? How does it compare to previous requests?


Barista steps in here as well, providing real-time insights to decision-makers by analyzing historical change requests, resolutions, and failures. It delivers data-driven suggestions and contextual information that helps reviewers understand not just what’s being requested, but why it’s important and how it has performed in the past. With Barista’s predictive insights, reviewers can make faster, more accurate decisions, reducing the back-and-forth and preventing unnecessary delays.


A New Era of Change Management


What we’re doing at Espressive is more than just adding a few features to our platform. We’re rethinking change management as a whole, moving beyond traditional ITSM limitations and into a future where Barista assists every step of the way. By leveraging automation and intelligence, organizations can dramatically reduce the friction in their change management processes, empowering both employees and IT teams to embrace change rather than fear it.


The ability to submit high-quality, data-backed change requests and receive quick, intelligent approvals is a game-changer for organizations trying to keep pace in an ever-evolving IT landscape. With Espressive Barista, our employee co-pilot powered by our BaristaLLM, the future of change management is here, and it’s faster, smarter, and more efficient than ever before.


Ready to transform your change management process? Check out this video to explore how our Barista solution can help your organization streamline change requests and approvals, taking your IT operations to the next level.

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