Reduce Costs Today. Scale Cost-Effectively Tomorrow.
Reduce Your Spend With AI
Cost containment enables organizations to adaptto the evolving economic landscape and remain resilient in the face of challenges. However, it also comes with its own “cost” if it negatively impacts employees — and this is particularly true for IT service management. ITSM leaders are challenged to contain costs while ensuring that the employee experience doesn’t decline.
By integrating AI into your service desk, ITSM leaders can reduce costs without sacrificing the employee experience. Espressive AI-based solutions help to contain costs by reducing service desk workload, increasing efficiency, deploying fast, and adding more value to existing software investments.
How Espressive Solutions Contain Costs
Reduce workload with automation.
Espressive has the highest automated resolution rate in the industry, with customers achieving 55 to 67 % on average. Our virtual agent automates the resolution of the most common requests, like software provisioning and password rest, keeping them from monopolizing the service desk. And as an agentic AI virtual agent, BaristaGPT autonomously solves more complex problems based on employee context and content, with the goal to minimize service desk agent involvement.
Increase service desk efficiency.
BaristaGPT scales your service desk by automating complex tasks like workflow creation, content generation, and outage detection. BaristaGPT knows how to troubleshoot problems, just like your best agents, and provides transparent data and analytics so your service desk can better understand where to focus their efforts. And our Barista Agent Co-Pilot is a suite of capabilities focused specifically on improving agent productivity by bringing AI assistance to the service desk.
Deploy fast with an immediate ROI.
Reduced workload and improved efficiency won’t happen until you deploy, so getting there quickly matters. BaristaGPT comes out-of-box understanding 97.8% of employee language across 15+ enterprise departments and in over 130 languages, reducing deployment to just 6 weeks. BaristaGPT also comes with 1000s of pre-built automations and integrates directly with your enterprise software (including ITSM, iPaaS, RPA, and more), building value directly into your existing investments.